Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What a strange month

So little has happened.

Maybe my being ill has been the cause of such inertia in my life, who knows - I know I don't. I cannot think of a time in my life when I seem to be as stagnant as I seem to be now... all very unusual, to say the least!

I have only finished three of my current projects - the scarf I was knitting, the tapestry that I've been working on (on and off) for about eight months and the planning of next years' herb garden (which I'm most excited about, I must say, but next year seems such a long way off still).

I also haven't planned anything for Samhain and it is this Saturday! I just cannot seem to think for long enough periods to formulate a coherant and workable ritual. I really should try and come up with something meaningful to mark the turning of the pagan year, yet somehow I just cannot seem to focus my energies to do so... so unlike me!

Maybe if I have a look around the internet I will find some sort of inspiration for a little something? I do hope so.