Wednesday, November 25, 2009


... I have started making preparations for Yule. Sadly there will be only myeslf and the cats yet again this year, but I am hoping that I will still be able to have some fun and make the occasion special.

I have finished drying the orange slices and I am going to see about getting some seasonal greenery for the cottage soon... I would like some holly and ivy and also a small festive tree. I had a lovely one last year that I was given by someone in the village as a thank you for some herbal remedies I gave him for his cough and chest problems so I am going to see if he has anymore this year (although I am hoping that he is well enough for me to be able to buy one this year lol).

Think I'll get an early night and make an early start on the household chores that I was too ill to manage over last weekend.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A day that has made me sad and livid

I have left Christian Forums... terminated my pet (which made me sad, even though I know it is not real), cleared my account, turned off all visitor and private messages and unless something drastic happens I shall not be back!

Not only was my prayer to Selene forcibly removed from my signature without them even asking me to remove it myself (which I would have grudgingly done) but because I said that generally some of the people were petty and juvunile for reporting me in the first place (and I have no idea who did it, as that kind of info is kept hush-hush over there) and said that to be afraid of a pagan prayer was laughably pathetic I was apparently rude and flaming to members or groups of members, and also I was causing people to not report things by saying that the people that were offended by my signature were pathetic!

How moronic can you get?!?! But then I can honestly say that I've yet to meet a christian that treats me with the attitude that they expect me to treat them with, so I shouldn't have been surprised by the nasty, elitest attitude displayed there!! Just confirmed what I've suspected all along really... that a lot of American christians are hypocritical, two-faced snakes that wouldn't understand tolerance and loving their neighbour if their pathetic lives depended upon it!!

Oh well... I am glad to be rid of the place... I feel lighter already for not being there. Even concerning the pet I feel as if I've freed him from having to be over there, LOL!!

Monday, November 09, 2009

Why is it so difficult...

... to get others to accept that it's ok to have a different opinion about faith?

I truly cannot see what gives people the right to say that they are right and others are wrong. Surely we can all accept that not everyone has to agree with us about everything concerning religion? Is it too much to ask for others to give out the same level of respect that they feel they deserve?

I just don't understand how some can treat my faith with such distain, yet then expect me to respect their beliefs without even questioning them!! Such hypocrisy and double standards make me sick!

Fortunately it is only online and cannot deeply hurt me like it would in real life... I have many other places to seek genuine inter-faith discourse... places where people actually do wish to hear an opinion that differs from their own!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

So beautiful

I've just seen the most wonderful display of fireworks from my bedroom window. The colours and shapes were dazzling and the noise was deafening, but I'm glad that I was able to see them this year... last year they had moved the location on the heath where they let them off and I had no clear line of view (I don't like to go out alone and leave the house empty and the cats alone... the noise scares them and last year there was a series of burglaries in the street next to mine, thieves taking full advantage of the fact that people were out watching the display).

I sat on the window seat in my bedroom and opened the window and just enjoyed the show. I do feel sorry for my poor cats, though... poor things hate the noise, so I shut them snuggly up in the kitchen and put the radio on playing some classical music to try and muffle the sound... sounds silly, but it always works, lol.

As a treat I gave them some fresh fish that I got in town this morning (I had some, too)... a very good day all round, really.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Life lately

Well life has been quiet, which is to be expected after Samhain... things do seem to settle down and life reminds me as if it carries on under a blanket of thick snow, muffled and muted, but slowly moving forward.

Samhain was a small affair this year... just me and my Goddess and ancestors across the veil. I paid them all tribute with a small rite involving candles and white wine. It was simple but meaningful to me, and afterwards I poured out the wine in a libation before a beautiful waning full moon on my lawn. I felt a great sense of peace and tranquility, and I still do. I miss my passed loved ones more than I realised.

I must get to planning next years' garden... there are lots of things that I wish to try next year... more herbs and vegetables and even some fruit of some kind, if I can find some that are small enough (small fruit trees or something of that nature). I really wish that I had more land, but alas, I do not. I shall have to try and make the most out of the space available and resort to using pots and tubs for the overfill as usual (they are more watering and feeding, but the end results are worth the extra effort).

I must also see about making a start on things for Yule now... I may have people visiting me over that holiday and I want all to be prepared, just in case. Must look to sorting out the greenery and food, and see about preparing some sort of punch, as I don't drink and have no alcohol in the house (nor do I buy any except for using in craftwork). Must see about drying slices of orange again as I did a few years ago, they looked and smelled wonderful and lasted for ages, too.

At least the cats and I shall be eating like kings this year... I won a turkey in a raffle, so we shall be eating turkey until the new year as it's four times the size of the bird I would have bought, lol.

Must check the almanac and see the exact date of Yule this year.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What a strange month

So little has happened.

Maybe my being ill has been the cause of such inertia in my life, who knows - I know I don't. I cannot think of a time in my life when I seem to be as stagnant as I seem to be now... all very unusual, to say the least!

I have only finished three of my current projects - the scarf I was knitting, the tapestry that I've been working on (on and off) for about eight months and the planning of next years' herb garden (which I'm most excited about, I must say, but next year seems such a long way off still).

I also haven't planned anything for Samhain and it is this Saturday! I just cannot seem to think for long enough periods to formulate a coherant and workable ritual. I really should try and come up with something meaningful to mark the turning of the pagan year, yet somehow I just cannot seem to focus my energies to do so... so unlike me!

Maybe if I have a look around the internet I will find some sort of inspiration for a little something? I do hope so.

Friday, September 25, 2009


I do believe that my cats have fleas!

I absolutely loathe the horrible, vampiric, jumping things and do all I can to prevent them, but it seems like my attempts have been thwarted.

I do hope that I don't get bitten again, like last time... I seem to react very badly to whatever it is that they pump into you when they bite, and last time the bites came up all swollen and livid looking (and the itching! Nothing would relieve it - it almost drive me mad!)

Seems as if a trip to the pet shop is in order again, either that or the vet - glad I have some money put by for situations such as these, as much as I adore my beloved cats, they seem to go through money faster than children!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sick of the city!

I wish that I didn't live here. Sometimes living in the city makes me feel ill. I long to find a cottage somewhere, far away from everyone, just me and my beloved cats. Maybe get some chickens and a small plot of land to grow my own produce... that would be heaven to me, it really would be.

Sadly, I have no choice, but to live where I do as I cannot afford to leave this place... and I do love this house. I feel safe here, and once I come home and shut the door, nothing else matters. I am in a very safe neighbourhood, and the people are polite, yet leave me alone (which suits me fine). I have a small garden (much neglected now, because of my ill health), but I may look into changing a small part of it into a herb garden if next spring is not too cold.

It's just the city that annoys me, sometimes, the noise, the dirt and grime, the rude people (sadly especially the youth of today). If I could wave a magic wand and have this house transported to my forest, what joy (but that will only ever be a dream).

Personalised, at last

Well, that's made the blog look more 'me' anyway... unless things are shades of green, they don't feel right to me (but then I love the colour green, it reminds me of the forests that I love).

Speaking of forests - I don't know what it is that I love about them so much. I adore being outside and walking amongst the trees, feeling nature surround me. I seem to become a different person somehow, lighter inside, as if my soul is at peace. I like the ocean, but I feel connected with the woodland in a way that I just don't feel with the sea. Earth is definitely my favourite element, and the one that I work best with.

My first post

I have just created a blog and now I'm wondering why I've done that? I live alone, and I don't really have any friends that are going to read this, so maybe I've done it for myself - to give myself a place to get out all of the weird things that are in my head? Or maybe I'm hoping that my cats will somehow learn to use the pc and will log on while I sleep and read it, lol.

I think that the reason I've done it is because writing my journal by hand is getting painful, lately, especially in my fingers as they have a habit of getting sore when the weather turns colder (as it is doing now). For some reason typing is better for them as my hands don't feel so cramped as the fingers are kept moving (it's the only thing I can think of, but the more I type, the better my fingers feel).

Well, I'm going to have to think about the kind of things that I wish to write here in the future, and I need to make this blog look more like I feel it should look.
